Hello to all of you lovely people out there. I decided another update was in order, as my previous post wasn't very informative. Also, there are pictures (!!!), so read on...
Things to which I have been up (it doesn't sound right, but it
is grammatically correct):
- NightLife at the Academy of Sciences: Museums are probably second on my list of "favorite things ever" (trivia capturing the top spot, naturally), so when I heard that the Academy was hosting weekly after-hours parties for the drinking-aged set, I was so in. It wasn't quite what I was expecting: I naively assumed it would be a bunch of like-minded twenty-somethings who showed up for the learning and awesomeness instead of being in it for the drinking, but I was wrong. Still, it was pretty cool. The highlight of the night was some guy hitting on me in the "Extreme Mammals" exhibit. I totally shut him down without realizing that he was attempting to chat me up, and I felt really badly after I figured out what had happened. Oh, me.
Tree frog! |
Jellyfish are so photogenic. |
Overlooking the aquarium walk-through. |
Lepidopterophobia: fear of butterflies. |
- I HAVE A NEW COMPUTER. Also, a new printer/copier/scanner thing and a new iPod (of the Touch variety). There is too much technology around me! I can't possibly handle it all. I haven't even delved into the mysteries of the iPod yet, but my MacBook and printer are both amazing and I love them. I also love the fact that I no longer feel disconnected from the world and everyone in it. It's pretty awesome.

- I went to the Boardwalk! A little history, for those of you unfamiliar with the wonder: Built in 1907, the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk is California's oldest amusement park. It's one of those parks where admission is free and each ride costs a certain number of tickets. Basically, it is pretty much amazing, and every week during the summer, they have 1907 nights where everything only costs a dollar. So we decided to go. S and I went early to avoid traffic and hit up Capitola on the way. The only affordable thing in Capitola: salt-water taffy. We bought almost a pound and a half. Then it was off to downtown SC (which is a lot like Berkeley, only cleaner and less frightening) for some dinner. Delicious dinner, might I add. No I did not have the Skippy Burger. And then Boardwaaaaalk! We had to ride The Giant Dipper twice because it's my favorite and also the best ride there. (Oldest roller coaster on the West Coast. For some reason my friends didn't really want to know that fact. I have no idea why.)
Deliciousness. |
Please note: Skippy Burger. Ew. | | |
YES. |
- News from the job front: The organization with which I interviewed updated the job listing to extend application dates, which, I'm assuming, is their not-so-subtle way of telling everyone who has already interviewed (see: me) that they haven't found the right person yet. Thanks for that, CC. Sure, I would have given up my hopes of going abroad so you could overwork me for what was sure to be less-than-minimum wage, but why should you email me to tell me you're not interested? Why would that be necessary? No, I wasn't waiting by my computer, obsessively checking the listing for any changes, just in case. Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis? It's very frustrating, although I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir. Just...how hard is it to send an email? I mean, really? Stupid. Anyway, I'm applying for a job in the language lab at one of the community colleges around here. It's not quite full-time, but I would still get benefits (awesome) and I would have time to continue volunteering in the political scene if I felt so compelled. I'm actually kind of qualified too, so I'm hoping I'll at least get an interview. We'll see.
I guess that's it for now! I hope you all enjoyed this photo-heavy post. It was kind of hell to put together, so I might keep updates to one or two pictures from now on.
Happy August!
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